Hibiscus - Print

from $40.00

This Giclee Fine Art Print was created from my original acrylic painting and is printed on a luxurious, gallery-quality matte watercolor paper with 1” white boarder. This is an UNFRAMED print - frame is not included. In an effort to offer a variety of standard sizes, some of the ratios are cropped and will vary slightly from the listing photo. I have carefully cropped each print to look the best in the size in which it is offered. Not sure what size you need? Click here to see size comparisons.

Each print is “made to order” and produced on a large format professional printer. Please allow 7-14 business days for your order to ship. Currently not shipping Internationally. Contact me for special requests.

All print sales are final. We do not offer refunds as prints are "made to order".

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All copyrights and reproduction rights are retained by Jeanette Bergstrom. This art work may not be reproduced or altered by any process or medium without the expressed written permission of the artist.