jeanette bergstrom art photo on beach

Artist Statement

When I was in kindergarten, there were different stations set up where kids could rotate and learn throughout the day. I distinctly remember my passion to be at the easel instead of doing the other activities in the classroom. Later in my college dorm, I was jealous of the art students who were up late working on their projects. I couldn’t imagine how creating art could be a “real” career. So I chose to play it safe and graduated with a Graphic Design Degree.   

I have loved my career as a Graphic Designer, Art Director and ultimately a Creative Director. However, going through tonsil cancer, the pandemic, and a lay-off, I finally said to myself “What am I doing? Why am I not painting?” “No more excuses!”

My soul was demanding that I paint, create, and bring joy to my life and yours. I was forced to break free of the corporate grind, my own limiting beliefs . . . and began to create. 

Now that I’m painting, what feeds my soul and inspires my pieces are the sense of play, the love of nature, the beach, and swimming in the ocean. Art will influence the energy of a room and our experiences are portrayed back to us through art. My intention is to imbibe my paintings with my full authentic self, so it connects with people not only on visual but energetic level.

Thank you for stopping by! Take a look around or drop me a note to say hello! For a more ‘behind the scenes’ look, follow along with me on Instagram